Mi Push services
Mipush is a reliable, fast messaging platform with rich and flexible interfaces and strong operability
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Our advantages
Multi-platform (iOS/Android) supported
Services are supported on both iOS and Android
Stable, safe, and efficient
Millions of messages are pushed per second, hundreds of millions of devices are online, and 99.8% of messages will be received within 300 milliseconds
Simple and flexible to use
Client integration takes about a half day, and we also provide API interfaces for developers to operate their businesses
Detailed and comprehensive statistical tools
Detailed and comprehensive statistical tools are provided to help developers get accurate message pushing status
self-help survey tools
Developers can inquire about the online devices and message delivery status
System-level channels based on MIUI
System-level persistent connection based on MIUI increases the message delivery rate maximally
Document center
Android client SDK documents
iOS client SDK documents
Server client SDK documents